
Wall Sits


Celebrity Use

To maintain her physique as a model and to get back in shape after her first pregnancy, Chrissy Teigen has been quite serious with her workout routine, which includes wall sit. Her trainers say that with the wall sit, the muscles are tensed and worn out even without moving. That is why the wall sit is effectively in burning up fats in your quadriceps.

Functional Use

You would recognize improvement with your legs, knees and lower abdomen area. Your legs and knees become more flexible and stronger, which are healthier and beneficial for a steady mobility. On the other hand, your lower abdomen becomes tighter and more flexed.


The wall sit or wall squat exercise primarily targets your lower body for building up endurance and core strength, and aims to strengthen and tone your upper legs. It is efficient in burning out fats in your quadriceps and the only prop you need is a wall. This exercise is famous among people who want to do skiing and other strenuous activities that require strong legs.

You can also burn out excess fats and calories depending on your weight while doing the wall sit. It requires determination because you would be carrying your weight with your legs, which means that your legs would be doing all the work. The more weight your body holds, the more calories and fats your body is able to reduce.

This exercise is achieved by having your back against the wall and standing 2 feet away from it, then slide down the wall until you reach at an angle of 90 degrees. Your hips and knees would bend at this point, and the back of your head, shoulders and upper back are all against the wall. Be mindful that your feet must be flat on the ground and the weight is equally distributed. Remain in that angle for an amount of time.

Related Products

Neoprene Dumbbell Pairs

The pairs of dumbbells are handy in adding some challenge in your wall sit. You can add more weight by carrying the dumbbells while you are doing your wall sit. Your legs would then feel the added weight.

CAP Barbell 300-Pound Olympic Set (Includes 7 Ft Bar)

The weights start off with the 2.5 pounds up to 45 pounds, and these are great in adding difficulty in your wall sit. Just put the barbells on your lap while you are in your 90-degree angle position.


The muscles that the wall sit focus are your quadriceps (muscles on the front of the thighs), glutes (muscles located in the buttocks), hamstrings (muscles on the back of the thighs), abdominal and back muscles.

These muscles are going to be stabilized because they are all participating in the 90-degree angle position. The quadriceps are building up endurance and flexibility by doing the wall sits repeatedly, thus resulting to straightening of your knees, and are also responsible for moving your thighs and torso together. The hamstrings are also strengthened for better mobility such as running and walking.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, the wall sit exercise is performed by completing 1 set of 10 repetitions. If a 90-degree angle is too much or your legs are already strained, start off to a 45-degree angle, then gradually increase to 90 degrees. For people who are not used to squats such as this exercise, the legs get strained easily. For a more challenging wall sit, complete at least 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Keep in mind that the back must be straight and flat against the wall upon doing the repetition.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates the wall sit:

Top Performance Metrics

Fitness enthusiasts have gone to the extreme of making names for themselves in terms of physical workout such as William Connor, who have achieved 12 minutes of sit ups while carrying a 100-pound barbell on his lap.

Related Movements

Some movements are integrated with the wall sit in order to acquire the physical benefits for the body. These exercises include handstand, hyperextension or back extension and planks.

Related Foods

How about you consume ten pieces of multi-grain crackers with hummus or a banana with peanut butter or oatmeal with berries before you continue with your workout? You need the right amount of energy while performing the wall sit. On the other hand, after your workout, burrito with beans with brown rice and guacamole, steamed vegetables and grilled chicken are among the best to consume because you need protein to heal your muscles.


Here are some related photos for the wall sit exercise:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that lectures the right way to do the wall sit:

Wall Balls


The wall balls exercise is advantageous for increased bodily functionalities and for your cardiovascular muscles because everything in your body moves as you do this exercise—your arms, hips, thighs and knees. This exercise is actually easy; all you need is a wall and a medicine ball. The latter has various weights—6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 20 lbs and so on—and you should be using the right weight based on your fitness level or based on what your body can carry.

To start off with the wall ball, your feet must be apart at shoulder width and you face the wall, holding the medicine hall against your chest. Keep your chest higher as you pull your shoulders back, then lower your body into a full squat while the ball is intact on your chest. Pull your heels and stand up immediately as you throw the ball upwards into the wall. The ball should most likely hit the wall at around 10 feet high. The fun part is to catch the ball on rebound, finishing one whole repetition.

Wall balls exercise is effective in training your mind as you focus on the movement of the ball, and in strengthening your lower body as you squat down.


Your quadriceps, calves, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, lower back muscles, abdominal muscles, biceps and triceps are the primary targets in the wall balls exercise.

The muscles being affected with this exercise are all getting stretched, resulting to more toned and well-defined muscles. Your gluteal muscles would be more plumped and firmer as you go down in a squat position, while your leg muscles are becoming stronger from carrying your weight when you squat. Your arm muscles would also be flexible from throwing and catching the ball repeatedly. Furthermore, your abdominal muscles are even more contracted when you squat, leaving it to be tougher.

Sets and Repetitions

Beginners should be finishing 10 repetitions, starting off with the lightest medicine ball. You can slowly attempt with heavier balls once you are used with the movement already. If your body can withstand the weight of the medicine ball, you can proceed with a heavier ball. For the advanced, a total of 20 to 25 repetitions of this exercise is enough and utilizing heavier medicine balls would add up to the challenge.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that illustrates the wall ball exercise with an added burpee as a challenge.

Products to Improve Performance

The medicine ball is a prerequisite for the wall ball exercise, and this product is filled with sand, which is more effective in core buildup than the ball being filled with air. Bouncing too much like a ball is prevented so that you can maintain a steady position for the exercise.

Related Movements

Here are the following exercises that can be integrated with the wall ball exercise:

  • Burpee

  • Squat

  • Push-ups

Related Foods

Before a workout, the following foods are consumed in order to supply energy to your body:

  • Whole grain cereal

  • Banana with peanut butter

  • Dried fruits such as raisins and prunes

  • Fresh fruits

After a workout, your body needs to get replenished and your muscles need to be repaired. Here are some options that you can eat:

  • Cottage cheese with crackers

  • Greek yoghurt with berries

  • Quinoa or brown rice with chicken or turkey

  • Salmon with veggies


Here are photos that exhibits the wall balls exercise:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates this movement.

Celebrity Use

A blogger and an enthusiast in sports, Katie Levy, has been busy with her series of workouts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The wall ball exercise is a part of her workout, and it also serves as her training in skiing because the latter movement improves endurance and leg power.

Functional Use

You would manifest any changes when you feel that your abdomen is getting more shape, your buttocks are firmer and your core muscles are stronger. Your heart and lungs are also exercised, which makes it auspicious for a healthy blood circulation. Your mobility is increased and your mind is trained from the concentrating on the ball, making you perform faster and more effective.

Walking Lunge


The walking lunge exercise chiefly aims for well-toned buttocks and flexible hip flexors for better muscle contraction. It is a beneficial exercise that promotes core strength buildup and increases mobility, endurance and stability. Walking lunge also defines your legs for improved shape.

To achieve the walking lunge, you start off with your feet apart at shoulder length and your hands resting on your hips. Then you step your right leg forward, flexing both of your knees for your hips to drop. Your right knee must stay above your front foot. You drive your left foot to its heel while extending both of your knees upwards, starting to walk. As you stand without displacing your position, your left would be in front and your right leg would be at the back. It is like you are walking while doing the lunge.

This exercise is simple and doable anytime, anywhere as long as there is ample space for you to have your walk.


The muscles that the walking lunge target are your hamstrings (the muscles at the back of the thigh), your calves (the muscles on the back of your lower leg), your quadriceps (the core muscles in front of the thigh) and your gluteal muscles (the muscles that cover up the whole buttocks).

The walking lunge makes all of your affected muscles more flexible and more toned due to the pushing and pulling of your body downward and upward respectively. It makes your glutes firmer as you go down on one knee and as you pull yourself up. Your muscles are being contracted and stretched for better mobility and for an increased muscular force.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, it is recommended to perform one to three sets of 10 repetitions for each leg. For non-beginners, the same number of sets with 20 repetitions for each leg are done. For a little twist of this exercise, holding a dumbbell on each hand increases the difficulty of moving downward and upward, which speeds up the desired results.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram that demonstrates how a walking lunge is done.

Products to Improve Performance

The walking lunge is a simple exercise that actually requires no equipment, but if you prefer to add a challenge in this exercise, you can use the dumbbells. The dumbbells offer weight in your arms whenever you push yourself down and pull upwards. This product is a set of dumbbells with a wide range of weights from two to 20 lbs.

Top Performance Metrics

Enthusiasts in physical fitness have their determination spiced up in order to reach what is nearly impossible such as making a top record for their chosen exercise. For example, Dennis Medina is able to execute the walking lunge for two miles with a pair of barbells to spice up the exercise.

Related Movements

The following exercises can be coordinated with the walking lunge for faster and better results:

  • Squat

  • Box squat

  • Push-up

  • Kettlebell swing

  • Box jump

Related Foods

Before executing the walking lunge, eating thirty minutes to one hour is required so that your body can have the energy to carry on. Here are some options that you can choose from:

  • Whole wheat toast with bananas and cinnamon (for added taste)

  • Greek yoghurt with fresh fruits or dried fruits

  • Sweet potatoes with broccoli

  • Oatmeal with walnuts and apple

Afterwards, your body also needs to be rejuvenated by eating foods that repair muscles such as the following:

  • Steamed vegetables with quinoa or brown rice

  • Multigrain bread with blackberries or pecans

  • Salad with roasted chickpeas

  • Burritos with black beans and guacamole

  • Brown rice with grilled chicken


Here are some related photos for the walking lunge.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that provides lecture on how to perform the walking lunge.

Celebrity Use

Ronnie Coleman is a retired professional bodybuilder, who includes walking lunge in his workout even under the scorching heat and torrential rain. He points out that the lunge is effective in building functional strength and in gaining muscle mass.

Functional Use

Improvements are noticed when your buttocks are firmer and more plump, and when your legs look like they have toned down. Your legs and thighs develop balance and stability, which prevent you from further injuries. When you make use of dumbbells while performing the walking lunge, you would gain a high level of strength and stability in your legs for better mobility.

Tire Flip


The tire flip is one of the most sought-after exercises by bodybuilders because it effectively builds up muscular mass and endurance as you work with the tire, and it actually requires you to exert more effort and more power in flipping the tire.

To perform the tire flip, you are required to place your feet a bit wider than the width of your hips and position yourself 12 inches away from the tire. Squat lower until you reach the bottom of the tire, and press your shoulders and chest against the sidewall of the tire. Bend your elbows as if ready to lift the tires, and keep on maintaining your shoulders and chest pressed onto the tire. Move one foot forward, and kick the tire with your knee to finish off an entire flip. You basically lift the tire by giving an explosive blow from your knee towards the tire.

The tire flip is usually part of the training for those who are advanced bodybuilders, wrestlers and athletes, preferring to explode a powerful force from their knees to the tires. This exercise is often mistaken as a deadlift using only tires, but what you are more likely to do is squatting and kicking. The tires are incredibly heavy that are suitable to train your muscular endurance, and to tone your body.

Moreover, you should observe proper precaution with executing the tire flip—avoid lifting the tire with your arms because it can cause injury. The tire is not meant to be elevated through the use of the arms, but for your knees.


The muscles in your abdomen, legs, back and shoulders are the common targets for the tire flip. Your bices and triceps are also affected.

When you squat down and reach for the bottom of the tires, you are stretching your shoulder muscles, back muscles, biceps and triceps. And as you kick the tire with your knee, you are toning your abdomen and legs, making them stronger.

Sets and Repetitions

If you are a beginner to the tire flip exercise, you can complete two to three repetitions or until you finish the whole ten minutes. If you are an advanced bodybuilder, five to six repetitions can be sufficed or until you finish 15 minutes. Avoid overdoing this exercise because it can cause strain in your legs and arms.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video on how to do the tire flip.

Top Performance Metrics

Jean-Francois Caron has succeeded in flipping a tire that weighs 1,350lbs for four times, which sets a new world record for tire flipping.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that can be associated with the tire flip:

  • Squat

  • Deadlift

Related Foods

Here is a list of foods that you can choose from so that your body is supplied with ample energy for your workout:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese and crackers

  • Oranges, berries and banana

  • Boiled eggs

  • Whole grain cereal and almonds

Below is a list of foods that you can eat after your workout so that your body can recuperate from the physical demand of tire flip:

  • Brown rice with salmon

  • Chicken breast with broccoli

  • White fish with tofu or green leaves

  • Protein shake with fresh fruits or Greek yoghurt


Here are some related photos for the tire flip.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that lectures on how to execute the tire flip properly.

Celebrity Use

Performing the tire flip may look difficult but if your body is trained in lifting weights, then the tire flip is a piece of cake. Some celebrities have enjoyed the tire flip, especially when they do the tire flipping race. Physical training enthusiasts, Zac Efron and The Rock had their tire flipping race as their enjoyment, and The Rock had nailed it.

Functional Use

Improvements are manifested when you are gaining muscular mass in your arms, when your abdomen is starting to have more defined shape, and when your shoulders are beginning to be more flexible. The changes in your body mean that the tire flip exercise is effective and you are executing it correctly. You also become stronger and you are obtaining more endurance in your muscles, which is important for a better performance in your everyday routine.



The thruster exercise is a combination of common weight-training exercises, front squat and overhead press, which aims to buildup core strength and power from head to toe. This exercise can be done with heavier weights and lower repetitions or with lighter load and higher repetitions. The thruster utilizes any of the equipment such as the kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, sandbag and medicine ball. As a matter of fact, any heavy object is eligible for the thruster as long as there is force involved. In this article, the barbell is going to be used but as mentioned earlier, any heavy object is qualified.

In order to perform the thruster, firstly stand with your feet flat on the ground at shoulder width, then in military press position, tightly grip the barbell with your hands at shoulder width and lift the barbell. Maintain your head and chest high and push your hips backward, forming a below-parallel squat formation. Exert an explosive force in getting back to your starting position and press the barbell over your head simultaneously. Finish the repetition in a standing position with your barbell over and behind your head. To continue the repetition, lower down the barbell and descend yourself in another squat.

This exercise is a best training for those who want to excel in sports because their whole bodily muscles are exercised and stretched. The thruster allows you to execute higher volumes of training work in a period of time.


The thruster workout primarily targets your hamstrings (the muscles at the back of the thigh), quadriceps (the core muscles in front of the thigh), glutes (muscles that cover up the whole buttocks) and erector spinae (the muscles in your lower back). Your shoulder muscles and triceps are also covered by this workout.

This workout engages your affected muscles to toil in order to be more flexible, more toned, more stabilized and more balanced. Having your major muscles work in synergy denotes that they are functioning together, which is a good sign for normal bodily function.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, if you are going to go with the light weight and high repetition setup, then you can proceed with 10 to 15 repetitions in a set. If you prefer the heavy weight and low repetition setup, then complete five to 10 repetitions also in a set. If you are an advanced and choosing the light weight and high repetition setup, a set of 15 to 20 repetitions is sufficed. But if want to carry on with the heavy weight and low repetition, then continue with 10 to 15 repetitions in a set.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that exhibits the thruster movement.

Related Amazon Product Links

If you prefer to use the kettlebells in your thruster, this product can suffice and it has an adjustable weight for your own customization.

The medicine ball can be utilized in executing the thruster, and this product can fill your prerequisite requirement. It is filled with sand, so you can be assured of its heaviness.

This product has an initial weight of 40 lbs and it can hold up to the maximum 390 lbs. The package includes a streel stand, which is tailored to be sturdy for longevity.

The dumbbells offer weight in your arms, and this product is a set of dumbbells with a wide range of weights from two to 20 lbs.

Related Movements

Below are some exercises that can be executed together with the thruster exercise:

  • Deadlift

  • Hang clean

  • Push-up

  • Burpees

Related Foods

Here is a list of food that you can add up in your menu before your workout.

  • Oatmeal with dried fruits

  • Whole wheat bread with peanut butter and banana

  • Whole grain cereal with almond milk

  • Fresh fruits

After your workout, you need to replenish your body with the following options of food below:

  • Cheese and whole grain crackers

  • Cottage cheese with berries

  • Boiled eggs

  • Chocolate milk


Here are the photos that illustrate the thruster.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that provides a lecture on the thruster exercise.

Functional Use

You would be able to notice improvement when your heart rate is increased, resulting to an ameliorated cardiovascular performance. The setup of high repetition and light weight thruster improves your cardiovascular fitness, while the low repetition and heavy weight setup, develops more muscular power and strength. If you have performed thruster with an object of unstable weight, you would see that your core strength and balance are getting better.

Superman or Superwoman


The superman or superwoman exercise is considered to be an excellent workout for those who want to have a healthy lower back. It is also effective in refining your core to make it more stable and more balanced, as well as to strengthen your back muscles. The superman exercise helps alleviate your back pain that has occurred in your everyday living, most especially from prolonged sitting at office desks. Having weak back muscles may hinder you to perform a lot of things, which is why it is favorable to invest time in exercising your back.

To execute the superman routine, you need to lie face down on the floor, as if in a planking position except that your arms should be extended and aligned in front of you and your palms are also flat. Your abdomen should remain intact on the floor. Lift your left arm and right leg together off the floor and hold on to the position for 10 seconds or more, depending on your program. After that, lower them down and do the same procedure to your right arm and left leg. On the other hand, you can lift both arms and both legs at the same time.


The muscles that the superman exercise is targeting are your glutes, hamstrings and lower back muscles. When you are performing this exercise, you would look like you are forming a big “U” with your back and you would feel that your hamstrings and glutes are becoming to tighten up. Tightened muscles would result to better shape after continuous attempts of the superman. Your lower back muscles are going to be stretched, which diminishes the chance of anymore back pain.

Sets and Repetitions

If you are a beginner, it is recommended to hold on to the superman position for 10 seconds on each side, while for the advanced, a total of 30 seconds is sufficed. Avoid prolonging onto the position to prevent any back injury. Your lower back also needs some rest after doing the exercise on both sides.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates how the superman works.

Related Amazon Product Links

The yoga mat is only optional when you perform the superman exercise, and this product is tailored environment friendly. It is equipped with thick memory foam, which is ideal to prevent the feeling of bulkiness when you lie down.

Related Movements

Here are some movements that you can execute together with the superman:

  • Push-up

  • Dumbbell press

  • Plank

Related Foods

To execute the superman flawlessly, it is required for you to eat so that your body can supply enough energy, and here is the list of food that you can choose from:

  • Boiled eggs

  • Cranberries and raisins

  • Ground flaxseeds, whole grain bagel and hummus

  • Chocolate milk

After your workout, you would feel that your body is becoming weary, which means that it is out of energy. It needs to be replenished by eating some of the food in the list below:

  • Protein shake with fresh fruits

  • Sweet potatoes with Greek yoghurt

  • Chicken breast with broccoli

  • Veggie omelet with white fish


Here are some photos that depict the superman movement:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that exhibits a tutorial on how to execute the superman.

Celebrity Use

Harley Pasternak is a celebrity trainer, a television host and an author, who has been including the superman movement in his workout, together with the elbows and knees and plank.

Functional Use

The most important improvement that you should be noticing is having your lower back strengthened, stretched and relaxed after achieving the superman. If you have problems with your back, then this workout is the right one for you. The risk of a worsened and untreated back is lessened, which leaves you to perform better.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull


The sumo deadlift high pull is considered to be an explosive exercise that requires much power for proper execution, most especially in the posterior chain area. This workout begins with a deadlift but with a different twist—the grip is narrow and the posture is wide. The weight is sped up by utilizing the hips and legs to draw it upward straight under your chin. It necessitates a barbell as your major equipment, but others use a kettlebell or a medicine ball as alternatives.

This exercise helps in the build-up of muscular strength, and assists to ameliorate your capacity in the pull exercise. The steps in performing the sumo deadlift high pull is almost similar to the deadlift except for some exception such as making use of a sumo stance and an unusually restricted grip. The sumo stance refers to having the feet wide apart—really wide as long as the knees do not cave inwards. On the other hand, the grip towards the barbell is not the same as the deadlift. Your hands should be at the middle of the bar so that you would have the flexibility to pull the barbell directly under your chin. Everything else seems like the deadlift.

Moreover, after knowing the nature of the sumo deadlift high pull, the steps are quite easy when you are familiar with the deadlift. Start off with a wide sumo stance and reach for the barbell with your hands at the middle. Arch your back and keep it straightened all throughout the repetition. Lift the barbell as in a deadlift and shrug with your arms, which creates a momentum on the barbell. Lift it until it is already under your chin. The whole procedures cover to one repetition, and the number of repetition that you should complete depends on what your body can handle.

Remember that your knees should be stable during the repetition because it is important in assisting you to elevate the barbell. When you lift the weight, your back should be arched and should be kept tight to prevent any back injury. Take note that you should inhale deeply before lifting the bar and your muscles should be well contracted.


The sumo deadlift high pull primarily targets your abdominal muscles, hamstrings, gluteal muscles and shoulder blades. Muscles in your hips and back are also affected.

This powerful workout builds up muscular mass, strength and endurance to your affected muscles. It also tightens and gives shape to your abdomen, and it keeps your glutes firm and tighter. Your hips are stretched, which means it prevents anymore pain felt when bending your body. The muscles in the back are getting straighter, which means that your spine is becoming neutral and aligned.

Sets and Repetitions

It is recommended for beginners to complete six to eight repetitions in one set, while for the advanced, eight to 12 repetitions in one set can do the thing. Keep in mind that avoid overdoing yourself with the sumo deadlift high pull because it can be quite harmful as it can cause body strain and injuries. This workout requires great power upon execution, which means that if your body is tired, it can no longer perform the demands of this workout.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates how the sumo deadlift high pull works.

Related Amazon Product Links

This product has an initial weight of 40 lbs and it can hold up to the maximum 390 lbs. The package includes a streel stand, which is tailored to be sturdy for longevity.

This product is tailored with adjustable weights, and you can alter how heavy you wish upon executing the movement.

This product is filled with sand, which is more effective in core buildup than the ball being filled with air.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that you can perform together with the sumo deadlift high pull:

  • Wall ball
  • Clean
  • Box jump
  • Burpee

Related Foods

Here is a list of foods that can provide you with sufficient energy for your body to perform the exercise:

  • Whole wheat bread with peanut butter and banana

  • Whole wheat cereal or granola

  • Fresh fruits such as oranges and apples

  • Dried fruits such as raisins and cranberries

Below is a list of food that you can consume after your workout so that your body can refuel itself from the tedious workout:

  • Protein shake with fresh fruits

  • Protein bar with chocolate milk

  • Brown rice with chicken

  • Veggie omelet with avocado


Here are some photos that exhibit the sumo deadlift high pull.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates how a sumo deadlift high pull is performed.

Celebrity Use

Brooke Griffin is an entrepreneur and the author of “Skinny Suppers”, who indulges herself with a series of workouts to burn out unwanted fats after having her first baby. She includes the sumo deadlift high pull with the use of a kettlebell as part of her workout.

Functional Use

You would notice improvements when you are having a better body posture, especially that your back is getting straightened and stabilized, and when your muscles are gaining mass and are becoming more toned. Having a toned body means that you are losing body fat and excess weight. You would be able to acquire a healthy, physically fit body after numerous executions of the sumo deadlift high pull.

Standing Side Crunch


The standing side crunch or commonly known as the standing oblique crunch is an exercise for the abs and for the improvement of physical balance. This exercise is an effective routine towards burning calories, strengthening core abdominal muscles and improving body balance. This ab exercise is an alternative to tedious traditional ab workout such as the sit-up and side crunch that are usually done on the floor, and it does not contribute any muscle strain on your neck and on your lower back. Standing side crunch is favorable for those who are experiencing stress and pain on other parts of the body due to rigorous exercising and for those who don’t prefer to get up and down on the floor to bend their abdomen.

This exercise is done with a starting position of standing on both legs around shoulder-width, and with equally distributed weight. Begin the movement by standing on your right leg and by bending on your left side, then squeeze your left leg so that your left knee can almost reach for the base of your left elbow. The same procedure goes through with the right side being bent down and with standing on your left leg.

You would be noticing the improvement easily and faster when do standing side crunch on a daily basis. Don’t forget to inhale while lifting your leg and to exhale when putting it down. Large inhales and exhales make your heart pump faster for a healthy blood circulation.

This exercise is highly achievable because it does not require you any equipment, making it flexible and doable anytime, anywhere, and it also contributes to the stability of your physical development and bodily functions.


Standing side crunch mainly targets your oblique muscles or the side muscles on your abdomen, your rectus abdominis, an abdominal muscle that brings your chest to your thighs, and your iliopsoas that aids in rotating your spine.

This exercise tightens your entire side abdominal muscles, making them more toned and more shaped-up. It also ameliorates physical strength and stability and burns out excess fats.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, you start with a 30-second time and increase it to a minute, which leads you to 10 repetitions on both sides. For an advanced movement, 25 repetitions in over a minute is feasible for both sides.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that exhibits a standing side crunch.

Related Amazon Product Links

A dumbbell pair is the perfect aid for adding a little challenge in the standing side crunch exercise, and the set of dumbbell pairs are efficiently handy to the challenge. The smallest weight is two pounds, and the heaviest is the 20 pounds. This is great for you to start with the lightest until your body is able to cope up with the heaviest weight.

Related Movements

In order to have a faster result in burning out excess fats in your body and in being physically fit, here are some exercises that can be incorporated with the standing side crunch: lunges, side step-ups and sit-ups. All of these exercises mainly targets the elbows, knees, shoulders, hips and glutes, which engages the whole body to cooperate.

Related Foods

This movement has a reputation of effectively burning out calories, that is why consuming the right amount of carbohydrates and protein is a necessity. You must consume tofu, legumes and beans to acquire your sufficient protein intake. On the other hand, eat more vegetables and fiber to balance out the carbs that you intake such as rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and avocados.


Here are some related photos for the standing side crunch:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates how a standing side crunch works.

Celebrity Use

Beyoncé, one of the most glamorous performers in the world of music, has been including the standing side crunch exercise in her workout program as advised by her instructor to burn out more calories. She also includes proper nutritional diet by balancing out her protein and carbohydrate intake.

Functional Use

You would be able to notice results when you are able to balance your body by standing on one leg and when your oblique muscles are tough. Your body would be able to burn calories and fats from continuous performance of the standing side crunch, and you would be able to increase your body’s stability and strength. The important thing is that you are going to feel confident with the results you have with your body.



The traditional squat is the most common exercise that is easy to perform, and effective when doing it regularly. It does not require any equipment, which means you can execute the squat anytime, anywhere even in a little amount of space. It is designed to build up core strength and endurance in your calves, hips and lower back—everything in your lower body.

The squat workout is meant to burn calories, to give you a better body shape, especially in your hips, obliques and abdomen, and to tighten your buttocks. This exercise does not need much memorizing and as your initial position, you need stand straight, feet apart. You form your body into a squat position, pushing your buttocks backward and arching your back. Upon doing that procedure, be sure to breathe in. You can breathe out when you are going to stand slowly, back to your starting position. Keep in mind that you need to maintain a neutral spine as you do the squat.


The squat exercise primarily targets your quadriceps (the core muscles in front of the thigh), hamstrings (the muscles at the back of the thigh), hip muscles, gluteal muscles (the major muscles that cover up the whole buttocks), lower back muscles, and abdominal muscles.

This workout mainly strengthens and stabilizes your affecting muscles, especially your glutes and thighs. Your lower back muscles are exercised, training them to be in a better posture. Your glutes are tightened as well as your thighs. It also provides your body a better balance, which is essential to remain fit and healthy.

Sets and Repetitions

The initial time in performing the squat exercise is 30 seconds without rest. The time is increased once your body has been toned out and has gotten used to the procedures. For beginners, four to six repetitions of two to three sets can be sufficed, while the advanced completes eight to 12 repetitions of two to three sets.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video on how to do the squat with an added dumbbell as a challenge.

Related Amazon Product Links

The loop bands can be quite handy for testing your resistance during exercise, and these can be your aid in working out with your legs, shoulders, arms, buttocks and back.

The hip circle is utilized to forcefully protrude the knees while squatting, and it keeps the length between your knees intact.

Top Performance Metrics

Donnie Thompson has successfully executed a squat with 1,260lbs, which entitles him a world record.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that you can execute together with the squat:

  • Lunge
  • Deadlift
  • Gluteal stretch

Related Foods

Here are some choices of food that you can add up to your menu before your workout:

  • Whole grain toast with egg white omelet

  • Greek yoghurt with banana

  • Oatmeal with fresh fruits

  • Boiled yams

Below are some foods that can refuel your body from the physical demand of the squat:

  • Boiled eggs with carrots

  • Chocolate milk

  • Protein shakes and protein bar

  • Cottage cheese with crackers


Here are some photos related to the squat.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates the squat exercise:

Celebrity Use

Numerous celebrities have been engaging themselves with squats so that they can maintain their physical shape and their health. Celebrities such as Iggy Azalea and Christina Milian have been eating healthy foods—more vegetables, fruits and less carbs—, and have been executing a series of workouts, including the squats.

Functional Use

There are numerous improvements that can be manifested when you are executing the squat exercise correctly and regularly. When you slow down the squat movement, your legs become more toned and more strengthened quickly through the intense force felt in your legs. Your buttocks become more tightened and more plumped, giving you well-defined, rounded shape. The lower your body is bent down and the more you squeeze your buttocks, the more lifted the gluteal muscles are, which all lead to making your buttocks in shape. Your core muscles are strengthened, leaving you to perform better daily. Moreover, your joints also become healthy by giving them more flexibility to reduce the risks of joint pain.

Sit Up


The sit up exercise is a common and basic exercise for the abdomen to be more toned and more flexible, and it mostly aims to strengthen your six-pack muscles. This exercise only requires you a mat to lie down and a small space for your body.

In order to perform a sit up, you need to lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your shoulder blades must be at the back of your elbows. Place your hands or your fingertips behind your head but avoid pushing your head while doing this exercise because the force may lead to neck injury. Slowly lift your head first, then your torso reaching your bent knees. You hold on for a second, then you can return to your starting position. Your hands should only be supporting your head very lightly so that your neck can be relaxed during the exercise. Your abdominals must be at an angle of no more than 35 degrees, and your lower back must be remained intact on the floor for an effective isolation for the abdomen.


The muscles that the sit up targets are the rectus abdominis (the wall of the abdomen), the obliques (the side muscles of the abdomen), the tensor fasciae latae (the muscles on the hip and towards the upper front of the femur), and the rectus femoris (one of the four muscles comprising the quadriceps).

The rectus abdominis is going to form a six-pack due to the bulging of the upper torso towards the knees. The abdominal muscles get tightened and flexed. The rectus femoris also becomes more flexible in moving the hips, and the tensor fasciae latae to easily bend the body at the hips.

Furthermore, all of the affecting muscles are strengthened and become more toned, resulting to being healthy and physically fit.

Sets and Repetitions

The variation of sit up is to have an exercise ball on your back while you lift your torso up towards your knees. This is for those who are experiencing back pain or shoulder strain in lying down on the floor.

For starters, the sit up is performed for 2 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, while the advanced can go on to 3 sets of 20 or more repetitions. Avoid overdoing the exercise because it can lead to neck injury and shoulder strain.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that exhibits sit up.

Related Amazon Product Links

The exercise ball or the medicine ball can assist you in doing your sit ups by putting it on your back while you do the routine.

The sit up bar is handy in helping you do the sit up by avoiding your feet to be lifted unintendedly. For beginners, sit up can be quite difficult because your feet should not be lifted as lift your torso and return to starting position. The sit up bar is placed between the feet and then hooked onto the door so that your feet are steady on the floor.

Top Performance Metrics

Several fitness pioneers have reach top records in performing the sit ups such as Jack LaLanne, who is able to achieve 1,033 sit ups in just 23 minutes, and David Begiashvilli, who has done 1,430 sit ups in 30 minutes.

Related Movements

Incorporating other exercises with sit ups is essential when you want to speed up with your desired result. Planks, lunges and pushups are among the exercises that are related to the sit ups.

Related Foods

Certain foods are necessary to consume before and after your workout so that your body can have better results. Proper diet also plays an important role in exercising. Apples with peanut butter, sweet potatoes, and brown rice with black beans are among the food you may want to consume before the sit up. After the workout, you may choose from chocolate milk, salad with roasted chickpeas, steamed vegetables with


Here are some photos that are related to sit up.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video on how to perform sit up.

Celebrity Use

Most mom celebrities have indulged themselves in serious workout to get back in shape such as Jenny McCarthy, who has become the cover girl for the Playboy magazine for six times already. She is clearly enthusiastic in doing sit ups as part of her workout routine because she believes that putting up discipline in being healthy is the most important thing in one’s life.

For the sake of the lead role in Southpaw, Jake Gyllenhaal had achieved 2,000 sit ups per day in order to attain the desired physique as a boxer. It was part of his six-hour training every single day, which is truly necessary as he needs to get his mind focused for the lead role as a boxer.

Functional Use

You would be noticing the difference by massaging your abdomen to check if it has been toned. If you can feel that it has become tender, then you are doing satisfactory with your workout performance. You would also have a lean physique since the sit ups burn excess body fat, leaving you more confident in your everyday activities.