
Sit Up


The sit up exercise is a common and basic exercise that targets muscles in the abdomen to create tone and promote flexibility. With frequent use, it can create the six-pack many desire.


The muscles that the sit up targets are the rectus abdominis (the wall of the abdomen), the obliques (the side muscles of the abdomen), the tensor fasciae latae (the muscles on the hip and towards the upper front of the femur) and the rectus femoris (one of the four muscles comprising the quadriceps).

Side Planking


The side plank exercise creates better posture, strengthens the hips and increases mobility in the legs. To successfully complete the move, position your body on one side at a fixed posture, and let all of your body weight rest on your arm.


Side planking primarily targets the obliques and other muscles at the side of the abdomen and your rectus abdominis, or your six-pack muscles. This exercise stabilizes the trunk and abdomen, increasing both flexibility and strength.

Shoulder Press


The shoulder press provides the most benefit to the shoulders, upper back and triceps. To perform this exercise, you’ll need some equipment, such as a dumbbell, barbell or professional gym equipment like the shoulder-press machine.


The muscles that the shoulder press targets are the triceps, biceps and several back muscles. The shoulder press helps to stabilize the upper back and the shoulder blades when you push and pull the dumbbells.



Running is an easy workout that anyone can do—all you need is a place to run. Running is one of the oldest forms of exercise, but it is possible to do it wrong. To get all the benefits of running, start with a good stretch.


Running provides a lot of benefits. The muscles that benefit most are the legs and hips, but all of your body muscles are stretched and toned while running. Consistent running had been linked to knee pain; however, running can also build strength in the knees that make you less susceptible to knee strains.



The deadlift exercise is a functional, strength-training exercise that keeps muscles toned, stretched and active as you age. Deadlifts help the body stay agile and strong. With the deadlift workout, your whole body is strengthened.


This exercise primarily works the muscles in your legs, arms, back, buttocks, shoulders and abdomen. The deadlift exercise increases muscle mass and builds core strength. It is an effective way to develop muscles, increase flexibility, create tone and build strength, and is most commonly used by male athletes.



The burpee exercise conditions and strengthens the whole body to increase body fat loss, to increase endurance and to boost stamina. All you need is your own bodyweight to provide resistance. During the exercise, your lungs are exercised for better breathing rhythm and your heart can achieve its target heart rate for better blood circulation.


Every muscle is participating and affected with the burpee, especially biceps, triceps, obliques, core abdominal muscles, deltoids, quadriceps, pectorals major, glutes and hamstrings.

Box Jump


The box jump exercise aims to improve your body’s muscles by elongating them through a jump. It also improves your jump by increasing its power when you contract your muscles to push away from the floor.


The box jump exercise primarily targets the quadriceps, or the group of muscles on the front of your thighs, your hamstrings, or the muscles on the back of your thighs, and your calves, or the muscles on the back of your lower leg.

Bicycle Crunch


The bicycle exercise is an excellent way to build core strength and to tone your thighs without the hassle of any machinery or equipment. It can be done anytime, anywhere as long as there is ample space for you to lie down and to emulate the bicycle with your legs up in the air.


Your obliques, abdominal muscles, pectorals major hip adductors and glutes are the muscles that are affected by this routine. The bicycle exercise helps to tone and tighten your muscles. It increases endurance, stamina and stability in the affected muscles.

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