Walking Lunge

  • Area Served: Northern California
  • docs to perform:Guarav Abbi


The walking lunge exercise is most effective for those looking to achieve well-toned buttocks and flexible hip flexors for better muscle contraction. It is also beneficial in promoting core strength and increasing mobility, endurance and stability. Walking lunges will define your leg muscles and increase power in your lower limbs.

To do the walking lunge, start off with the feet shoulder-width apart and the hands resting on the hips. Then, step the right leg forward, flexing both of the knees as the hips drop. The right knee must stay above the front foot. Then, drive the left foot to its heel while extending both of the knees upwards, starting to walk. Stand still in this position with the left leg in front of the right leg. It is like you are walking while doing the lunge.

This exercise is doable anytime, anywhere as long as there is ample space.


The muscles that the walking lunge targets are the hamstrings (the muscles at the back of the thigh), the calves (the muscles on the back of your lower leg), the quadriceps (the core muscles in front of the thigh) and the gluteal muscles (the muscles that cover up the whole buttocks).

The walking lunge increases flexibility and improves tone in all of the affected muscles due to the pushing and pulling of your body downward and upward. It makes your glutes firmer as you go down on one knee and pull yourself back up and the muscles achieve better mobility.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, perform one to three sets of 10 repetitions for each leg. For non-beginners, the same number of sets with 20 repetitions for each leg is a better workout. For a little twist on this exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand and increase the difficulty by speeding up your movements.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram that demonstrates how a walking lunge is done.


Products to Improve Performance

The walking lunge is a simple exercise that requires no equipment, but if you prefer to add a challenge in this exercise, you can use dumbbells. The dumbbells add weight to make this exercise more difficult. This product is a set of dumbbells with a wide range of weights from two to 20 lbs.

Top Performance Metrics

Dennis Medina completes the walking lunge for two miles with a pair of barbells for a good workout.

Related Movements

The following exercises can be done with the walking lunge for faster and better results:

  • Squat
  • Box squat
  • Push-up
  • Kettlebell swing
  • Box jump

Related Foods

Before executing the walking lunge, eat thirty minutes to one hour before. Here are some healthy food options to choose from:

  • Whole wheat toast with bananas and cinnamon (for added taste)
  • Greek yoghurt with fresh fruits or dried fruits
  • Sweet potatoes with broccoli
  • Oatmeal with walnuts and apple

Afterward, the body needs to repair itself. Eat the following foods:

  • Steamed vegetables with quinoa or brown rice
  • Multigrain bread with blackberries or pecans
  • Salad with roasted chickpeas
  • Burritos with black beans and guacamole
  • Brown rice with grilled chicken

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates how to perform the walking lunge.


Celebrity Use

Ronnie Coleman is a retired professional bodybuilder who includes the walking lunge in his workout regularly. He points out that the lunge is effective in building functional strength and in gaining muscle mass.

Functional Use

When performed regularly, the walking lunge results in a firmer buttocks and toned legs. Your legs and thighs also develop balance and stability, which help to prevent injuries. When you make use of dumbbells while performing the walking lunge, your legs work harder and muscle strength and tone is more easily accumulated.

Trainers Consultation


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  • 15 minute preview of procedure