
Side Planking


The side planking exercise is the positioning of your body on one side at a fixed posture, and letting your arm receive all of your body weight. This exercise stabilizes your torso in order to maintain a proper posture, and strengthens your hip to increase mobility in your legs. Side planking builds endurance and core strength, and prevents your lower back from having any pain. Regular practice makes you stable in doing strenuous activities.

In order to perform the side planking, you need to lay on your side, having your elbow on the floor. Upon putting all your body weight on that arm, your body remains stiff and immobile from head to toe. When you feel that your arm is straining, return to your starting position.

Side planking is easy and doable anytime, anywhere without any equipment needed. You just need to have the capacity to hold on to your own weight and through that, you would have better core strength and better posture.


Side planking primarily targets your obliques or your muscles at the side of your abdomen and your rectus abdominis or your six-pack muscles. This exercise stabilizes your trunk and your abdomen for more flexibility and more strength.

This exercise mainly affects the obliques and the six-pack muscles by building up core strength, making them more toned. Your muscles would have more flexibility in order to prevent muscle strain and immobility. The fats in your abdomen would be reduced, keeping it tightened and tough.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, side planking is done by counts of 5 to 10 seconds. For non-beginners, a maximum of 30 seconds can suffice the challenge. The side planking should be achieved on both sides and if your arm is not able to hold on to your body weight, return to the starting position. Avoid overdoing the exercise as it may cause injury to your arm.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates the side planking:

Related Amazon Product Links

For those who are troubles in maintaining the side planking position, an exercise ball can be of help by placing it between your arm and side abdomen. The exercise ball assists you in carrying your weight. The package includes a pump and it is tested with an anti-burst mechanism.

Related Movements

Achieving more than one exercise helps in speeding up the desired results of having toned side abdomen and gaining core strength. Reverse lunge, push-ups, press, squats and cobra planks are some of the exercise that can be integrated with the side planking.

Related Foods

Getting ready for this exercise means you have to start off with some meals that are suitable before and after your workout. Greek yoghurt with dried fruits or nuts, a whole-wheat toast with bananas and peanut butter, and a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruits are among the foods that you can consume before working out with the side planking. Then after a series of repetitions, you can try omelet with vegetables and avocado, baked salmon with sweet potatoes, and tuna fish and spinach sandwich.


Here are some related photos for the side planking:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that illustrates the proper way of doing the side planking:

Celebrity Use

One of the most influential singer/songwriter in American music has been engaging himself with staying vegan and with being fit and healthy. Jay-Z includes the side plank exercise in his regular workout routine as advised by his instructor. He’s been doing three sets of side plank with less than a minute rest after each set.

Functional Use

You would be able to manifest improvement if you could no longer feel any back pain and if you are able to maintain better posture. Your abdomen would be toned and tight and belly fats are diminishing. Furthermore, side planking soothes your muscles, leaving you relaxed and peaceful. You are going to have a better posture, which leaves you to be more confident in your daily activities, as side planking helps in maintaining proper posture at a neutral position.

Side Planking


The side planking exercise is the positioning of your body on one side at a fixed posture, and letting your arm receive all of your body weight. This exercise stabilizes your torso in order to maintain a proper posture, and strengthens your hip to increase mobility in your legs. Side planking builds endurance and core strength, and prevents your lower back from having any pain. Regular practice makes you stable in doing strenuous activities.

In order to perform the side planking, you need to lay on your side, having your elbow on the floor. Upon putting all your body weight on that arm, your body remains stiff and immobile from head to toe. When you feel that your arm is straining, return to your starting position.

Side planking is easy and doable anytime, anywhere without any equipment needed. You just need to have the capacity to hold on to your own weight and through that, you would have better core strength and better posture.


Side planking primarily targets your obliques or your muscles at the side of your abdomen and your rectus abdominis or your six-pack muscles. This exercise stabilizes your trunk and your abdomen for more flexibility and more strength.

This exercise mainly affects the obliques and the six-pack muscles by building up core strength, making them more toned. Your muscles would have more flexibility in order to prevent muscle strain and immobility. The fats in your abdomen would be reduced, keeping it tightened and tough.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, side planking is done by counts of 5 to 10 seconds. For non-beginners, a maximum of 30 seconds can suffice the challenge. The side planking should be achieved on both sides and if your arm is not able to hold on to your body weight, return to the starting position. Avoid overdoing the exercise as it may cause injury to your arm.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates the side planking:

Related Amazon Product Links

For those who are troubles in maintaining the side planking position, an exercise ball can be of help by placing it between your arm and side abdomen. The exercise ball assists you in carrying your weight. The package includes a pump and it is tested with an anti-burst mechanism.

Related Movements

Achieving more than one exercise helps in speeding up the desired results of having toned side abdomen and gaining core strength. Reverse lunge, push-ups, press, squats and cobra planks are some of the exercise that can be integrated with the side planking.

Related Foods

Getting ready for this exercise means you have to start off with some meals that are suitable before and after your workout. Greek yoghurt with dried fruits or nuts, a whole-wheat toast with bananas and peanut butter, and a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruits are among the foods that you can consume before working out with the side planking. Then after a series of repetitions, you can try omelet with vegetables and avocado, baked salmon with sweet potatoes, and tuna fish and spinach sandwich.


Here are some related photos for the side planking:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that illustrates the proper way of doing the side planking:

Celebrity Use

One of the most influential singer/songwriter in American music has been engaging himself with staying vegan and with being fit and healthy. Jay-Z includes the side plank exercise in his regular workout routine as advised by his instructor. He’s been doing three sets of side plank with less than a minute rest after each set.

Functional Use

You would be able to manifest improvement if you could no longer feel any back pain and if you are able to maintain better posture. Your abdomen would be toned and tight and belly fats are diminishing. Furthermore, side planking soothes your muscles, leaving you relaxed and peaceful. You are going to have a better posture, which leaves you to be more confident in your daily activities, as side planking helps in maintaining proper posture at a neutral position.

Shoulder Press


The shoulder press exercise mainly emphasizes your shoulders, upper back and triceps with the use of some equipment such as the dumbbell or the barbell or even the gym equipment like the shoulder-press machine, whichever you are comfortable with. It basically builds up muscular mass and endurance with your triceps while you are sitting down.

In order to achieve the shoulder press, firmly grip the dumbbell in both of your hands, and sit on a chair or on a bench with some back support. Place your feet flat on the ground at hip-width apart. Then you bend your elbow, raise your upper arms in line with your shoulder, making a 90-degree angle and aligning the dumbbell straight at ear level. Flex your abdomen inward so that you don’t slouch. You can carry on with pushing the dumbbells upward and inward until your dumbbells reach each other, then push them directly over your head and back-to-ear level by lowering the dumbbells.

Maintain a proper sitting position while performing the shoulder press so that you can also practice good posture along the way. Keep in mind that when you do this exercise, the first repetition is always the tedious one to complete because your arms have no stretch reflex, which means that your reflex needs to get used with the demands of the shoulder press. You would feel like your arms are straining but as go on with two or more repetitions, the strain is gone and your arms are already in the mood to continue even more.


The important muscles that the shoulder press targets are your triceps, your biceps and your muscles in the back.

The shoulder press helps stabilize your upper back, and your shoulder blades when you push and pull the

dumbbells. Your shoulder blades also get trained with the backward and inward movement of this workout. Your triceps and biceps become tremendously active with the shoulder press because you are required to push and to pull the dumbbells. It helps build mass in your arms, giving you a more physically, fitting look. The muscles in your shoulders are also being stabilized by forcing them to move with weight, and this workout helps prevent strain and shoulder pain.

Sets and Repetitions

A variation of the shoulder press exercise is the Bradford press with the same procedures except that you need to lower the bar at the back of your head by bending your elbows at the top. Once the bar is behind your head, you press the bar back up in order to stress out your deltoids.

Beginners can complete three to four sets with 12 repetitions in each set, while the advanced can carry out four to five sets of 12 repetitions. When your body is already familiar with the shoulder press, you can add some weight in order to spice up the workout.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates the shoulder press with a shoulder-press machine.

Related Amazon Product Links

The dumbbells offer weight in your arms upon doing the shoulder press. This product is a set of dumbbells with a wide range of weights from two to 20 lbs.

Top Performance Metrics

Some training enthusiasts have taken extremes in executing the shoulder press just like Manuel Herlo, who is able to perform the shoulder press with the use of a stone, weighing 130 kg.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that you can associate with the shoulder press for faster and better results.

  • Push-up

  • Pull-up

  • Push press

  • Lunge

Related Foods

Below is a list of pre-workout snacks that you can consume 30 minutes to one hour before you start:

  • Whole grain cereal with almond milk

  • Oatmeal with fresh fruits or raisins or plums

  • Quinoa or rice cakes

  • Smoothie

Here are some post-workout snacks that you can consider in eating so that your body can refuel after executing some physical demands of the shoulder press:

  • Hummus with asparagus and carrot
  • Boiled eggs with brown rice
  • Protein shakes or protein bar
  • Low-fat chocolate milk


Here are some photos that illustrate the shoulder press.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that provides lecture on how to perform the shoulder press using a dumbbell.

Celebrity Use

The shoulder press is one of Jason Derulo’s favorite workout, together with push-ups, bicep curl and ab rollouts. Jason has turned to healthy diet such as eating organic food and lean protein.

Functional Use

You would manifest some changes in your strength, stability, physical power and endurance. Ameliorating your strength means you can achieve more with your life and you can maintain your physical health. Your bones are also getting stronger, leaving the risks of having brittle bones as you grow old. When you do the shoulder press, your bones, together with the muscles, are also moving and are also stressing, making them more active. Furthermore, having active bones means decreasing the chances of loss bone density. Your posture becomes better as you sit without slouching and without moving all throughout the repetitions.



The running exercise is an easy workout that anyone can do, as long as you have the place to run on. Running is one of the oldest form of exercises that has ever performed by humans. All you need to do is to stretch, to straighten your legs, and to run as far as your body can go. Take note that running is quite different from jogging, wherein you maintain a gentle and steady pace.

There are some tips that you can take into consideration when are going to run. Avoid running in highways or near the roads where vehicles and trucks are plenty. You need to stay safe when you run, and you must be wary with the smoke that you may inhale, which may cause asthma or any respiratory illness.

Furthermore, you should be able to apply sunscreen that is powered with high SPF, especially to exposed area, because too much exposure to the sunlight can bring you burnt skin. Avoid running in peak hours in the road or on the streets so that you wouldn’t be inhaling air pollution. Wearing loose clothing while running makes you feel fresh and prevents you from sweating easily. Moreover, appropriate shoes should also be worn to avoid foot strain and to have you running flawlessly.

You also have to plan your route, especially on flat, grassy locations so that you can avoid strain and injury.


The muscles that the running exercise targets your legs and hips. All of your body muscles are actually active and stretched.

Your legs and hips are going to have better balance and stability because these body parts are essential in running. Your knees are also stabilized and strengthened, which are important to prevent from any risks of knee strain or injury.

Sets and Repetitions

If you are a beginner, aim to run for a shorter period of time such as 30 minutes. If you are advanced, aim for an hour of running. Increase your time when your body is able to cope up with longer period of running.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that shows how to run.

Related Amazon Product Links

The treadmill is actually optional to be utilized when you run, since you can freely run outside knowing the precaution and safety that you must abide. It is only an alternative if you prefer to run indoors. This product is made portable, which means this treadmill can be folded for storage. Not only it is durable and is loaded with a scan for speed, time and distance, but it is also made affordable.

Top Performance Metrics

Numerous runners have made their name in succeeding top record such as Kenenisa Bekele and Wang Junxia, who both run for 10,000 meters for 26 minutes and 29 minutes respectively.

Related Movements

Here are some movements that you can integrate with running:

  • Walking lunge
  • Box jump
  • Squat

Related Foods

Running can make your stomach shake, and if you eat too much, you may get yourself queasy or unable to run. Here are some choices of food that you may eat so that your body can have ample energy without eating too much:

  • Banana and raisins

  • Whole wheat toast with banana and nut butter

  • Carrots and green smoothie

  • Greek yoghurt with granola

Subsequently, drink lots of water to rehydrate your body and consume food that can refuel your body from weariness:

  • Low-fat chocolate milk

  • Apple, cheese with crackers

  • Low-fat yoghurt with berries, apple and grapes

  • Skim milk and banana


Here are some photos of the running exercise:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that provides a lecture on how to run without getting knee pain.

Celebrity Use

Prominent comedian actor, Jim Carrey is known to be an active runner, and is able to run for five miles. On the other hand, singer Bon Jovi’s favorite exercise is running and has been running six times a week for around one hour.

Functional Use

Improvements can be manifested after regular days of running such as burning plenty of calories, maintaining healthy body weight, strengthening your overall muscles, improving your heart rate and building up strong bones. Your body posture is going to be ameliorated because as you run, your spinal cord is straightened.



The rowing exercise is a leg workout that utilizes a common gym equipment—rowing machine—and it is pretty much similar with the power clean exercise that drives your entire body to work. It is immensely beneficial for your heart because it increases your heart rate, which is also good in staying fit and healthy.

To execute the rowing exercise using a rowing machine, you need to adjust the foot straps by having it go across your foot. Avoid placing your feet higher than the normal height so that you would take full strokes. A leg position that is improperly set up leads you to have an inefficient stroke. Next step is to check the damper setting so you can have control with how much air that the flywheel contains. When you set the damper to 10, you would feel like you are required to stroke heavily as if rowing a heavy boat. But if you set the damper to zero, then you wouldn’t be doing any exercise at all. The damper should be adjusted according to what your body can handle. The last step to reckon about using the rowing machine is to understand the monitor, which displays instantaneous feedback while you are in your workout.


This exercise usually targets your leg muscles, upper back muscles, quadriceps and gluteus maximus and hamstrings.

You affected muscles are going to be toned and stretched because of the series of powerful leg pushes you are executing with the row exercise. Your back muscles are going to be neutralized, resulting to a straighter back. Your muscles are also going to be stabilized as you increase the number of leg push.

Sets and Repetitions

If you are a beginner, the damper should be adjusted between four and six, and completing eight to 10 repetitions in one set is sufficed. If you are advanced, the damper should be adjusted higher than six, and doing 10 to 12 repetitions in a set is also enough.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video on how to do the rowing.

Related Amazon Product Links

The magnetic rowing machine is a prerequisite in performing the rowing exercise, and this product is not only tailored with adjustable resistance, but it also made affordable compared to other brands. It is equipped with non-slip handlebars for better gripping, and a padded seat.

Top Performance Metrics

Graham Lay is able to execute 500m in just one minute and 44 seconds with the rowing.

Related Movements

Here are some movements that can be integrated with the rowing:

  • Thruster

  • Pull-up

  • Deadlift

  • Tire flip

Related Foods

Here is a list of foods that you can add to your menu before proceeding with your workout:

  • Ham and cheese sandwich

  • Greek yoghurt with trail nuts or dried fruits

  • Smoothies

  • Oatmeal with fresh fruits

Afterwards, you can select some of the food in the list below for your body to recuperate from the exercise.

  • Sweet potato with salmon

  • Avocado and veggie omelet

  • Grilled chicken with mixed veggies

  • Whole wheat toast with hummus


Here are some photos that illustrate the rowing movement:

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that lectures some tips and techniques on how to row like a professional:

Celebrity Use

The James Bond actor, Daniel Craig, has been engaging himself with exercises for five times a week, and rowing is part of his routine. He executes his rowing workout for 1km, together with a high-protein, low-carb diet.

Functional Use

You would be able to notice improvements when your abdomen is starting to get toned and tightened, and when your legs are having a well-defined shape. Your buttocks also become tighten, firm and plumped. The most important improvement is that your body fat and excess weight are all lessened. Rowing exercise burns calories while you strengthen your muscles from your shoulders down to your calves.

Rope Climb


The rope climb workout is a full body exercise that aims to increase the body strength, most especially the upper body. Your agility and your coordination skills are going to be improved through building a sense of iron grip and leg movements. This exercise requires most of your major muscles to move altogether, which means that your body still has good coordination. The equipment that you need is the climbing rope—a manila rope with 1.5” to 2” thickness. Rope climbing is considered to be an ancient exercise as rope is widespread in the market, and it is usually one of the basic exercises done in military training.

In order to perform the rope climb exercise, you should grip the rope as firm as you can. Your one hand should be above the other. The trailing rope must pass between your legs. Start pulling yourself upward by bending your elbows, and reach the higher part of the rope with the lower hand. Continue the process until you are on top of the rope. As for your legs, pass the rope behind one leg and over your toes, while the other foot stands on top of the rope. This process helps support your bodyweight as you reach your way to the top.

To challenge yourself with this exercise, climb the rope as fast as you can because it can be a good training for yourself in case of emergency. There is actually no alternative for rope climbing, which means you are required to do the activity for you to improve your whole body function and coordination.


Rope climbing targets primarily your biceps and secondarily your muscles in the forearms, shoulders, abdomen and back.

This exercise highly builds up the strength and power of those affected muscles as you use your arms and legs to push yourself upward, most especially your biceps. Your grip is also developed and strengthened, which is essential for your coordination skill. The muscles in your shoulders are stretched and exercised, making them relaxed and invulnerable to further muscle strain.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, you can complete five repetitions in three sets for three to five times a week. You can create your own regular routine once your body gets used to the rope climbing. For the advanced, performing 10 repetitions in three to five sets is sufficed. Remember that you should observe proper precaution when doing this exercise, especially when you grip. You may fall or lose your balance while climbing, so for starters, you can put soft cushion on the ground just in case you fall.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that illustrates rope climbing.

Related Amazon Product Links

The manila rope has the quality to be sturdy for rope climbing, and this product offers various lengths based on your workout requirement.

Top Performance Metrics

In 2015, Alicia Weber was able to attain the title of the fastest arms-only rope climbing for 20 feet in just 10.16 seconds

Related Movements

Here are some movements that you can perform together with the rope climbing:

  • Pull-up

  • Box jump

  • Clean

  • Burpee

Related Foods

Here is a list of food that provides energy for your body to perform the physical demands of the exercises:

  • Spinach and other green, leafy veggies

  • Oatmeal and banana

  • Yoghurt with almonds

  • Sweet potatoes and honey

  • Oranges and apples

You also need to eat again after your workout because your body is all beaten up from the exercises. Here is some food that you can choose from:

  • Tuna or salmon with brown rice

  • Cottage cheese with rolled oats

  • Chicken with beans

  • Boiled eggs with whole wheat bread


Here are photos that exhibit rope climbing.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that exhibits a lecture on how to do proper rope climbing.

Celebrity Use

Who would have known that former Dancing with the Stars performer, Karina Smirnoff, has been executing rope climbing as part of her physical routine? Staying healthy and eating the right foods are part of her lifestyle, aside from her dancing.

Functional Use

Changes are manifested when you see that your grip becomes firmer, tighter and stronger due to your persistent workout in rope climbing. You become more stabilized, and you gain more control of your body. Your coordination skills are also improved since the rope is not stable as you move upward. It forces your body to stabilize and to control itself in an unstable circumstance. Your instinct of basic survival is also tested and you become aware that climbing is one way to get out in times of emergency.

Ring Dips



The ring dip exercise is recommended for working out your chest, shoulders and triceps simultaneously. It is usually executed for those who are in the gymnast because it requires rings that hang up on the ceiling or on something very stable. It also ameliorates your coordination skills and muscular endurance when you hang yourself up in the air, and when balancing your body using your arm and shoulders at the same time.

In order to perform the ring dip, you need two rings, one for your left and the other for your right side. The height of the rings should be adjusted well so your feet would not be touching the ground during executions. Straighten your arms while keeping your body above the rings. Move your arms until you are able to support your bodyweight in a stable momentum. When your body is already stable, lower it down by having your elbows bent, and keep your shoulders intact to your sides. Your body movement must remain controlled and steady. To get back to your original position, press your body firmly to avoid any fall.

You can bend or cross your legs while doing the ring dip, as long as your arms are extended straightly, and you can also lean your body so that your chest is also exercised. Take note that when you are gripping on the rings, your movement is not going to be stable not until you find your comfort, and you are able to relax yourself hanging on the air. Your position would be stabilized once you take control of your body and of the ring.


The main muscles that the ring dip targets are your pectoralis major or the muscles at your chest area, your shoulder muscles, and your triceps.

This workout is favorable for your arms and chest because it keeps them aligned and stretched. Your coordination skills are tested, which means that your muscles are still capable of working in synergy while you are hanging on the air. It also contributes in building up muscular mass and power in your arms since your arms are doing the most of the work in lifting you up and in balancing your body on air.

Sets and Repetitions

There are variations that are alternatives to the ring dip: one is the wide ring dip wherein the steps are identical except for your arms that should move sideways from your body. Only those who have mastered the traditional ring dip can attempt the wide ring dip because it requires a high level of control with the ring dip. Another variation is the weighted ring dip wherein you put some weight in the ring dip while you do the normal steps. Your arms would not only be carrying your body but also the weights associated in the ring dip.

If you are a beginner, you can perform six to eight repetitions of pull-up and dip for two sets with one minute of rest between each set. On the other hand, if you are advanced, the same number of repetitions is sufficed for five sets. A minute of rest is required because your body still needs some rest to cope up with the energy lost in the previous set.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that shows how a ring dip is done.

Related Amazon Product Links

A pair of gymnastics rings is an important tool in executing the ring dip exercise, and this product is ensured with stability and durability for a more confident performance. The package includes a free jumping rope, and the rings have buckles that do not slip.

Top Performance Metrics

Physical exercise enthusiasts have been engaging themselves with rigorous trainings so that they beat top record, and one has gained a title for the most L-position ring dip. Alicia Weber is able to attain 13 succeeding L-position ring dip in only one minute.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that you can associate with the ring dip exercise for faster and better results:

  • Pull-up

  • Muscle-up

  • Clean and jerk

  • Push-up

Related Foods

To successfully carry on with your workout without feeling weak, here is a list of food that can consider in eating so that your body can have the energy:

  • Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana
  • Oatmeal with berries or dried fruits
  • Fresh fruits
  • Greek yoghurt with almond nuts

After your workout, your body needs to be replenished because the muscles are torn and worn-up. Below is some option of foods that you can eat:

  • Brown rice with chicken or salmon

  • Veggie omelet with sweet potato

  • Protein bar or protein shake with fresh fruits

  • Chocolate milk


Here are some related photos for the ring dip.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates how a ring dip is done properly.

Functional Use

The improvement in your body as you do the ring dip is superb especially when you notice that you are gaining stability, strength, balance and coordination with your body. Knowing that your body has survived repetitions in this workout, you would be able to feel great about how efficient you are in carrying yourself with only your arms and in controlling your movement. Your shoulders are of immense benefit with the ring dip because they have gained more stability without shaking or without any shoulder pain. This means your shoulders are becoming stronger and are resistant to heavy things such as carrying your body.

Push Up



Pushup is the most basic exercise that defines your torso, shoulders, triceps and abdomen. This is an effective exercise that doesn’t need any equipment—all you need is yourself and your determination to continue with this exercise. Pushups aims to ameliorate muscular endurance in your torso, to buildup lean muscle mass that results to increasing of metabolism, to strengthen your bones and muscles, and to keep you healthy and physically fit.

Pushups provide you with proper upper body conditioning, which means that this exercise is able to tone and to flex your muscles. You need to be aware when you perform pushups because it can lead to injury if your spine is not positioned neutrally. Your back should be straight, distributing all the load equally in your back.

In order to achieve this exercise, in a prone position as the starting point, you raise and lower your whole body by bending your arms and, depending on your body-built, you can do repetitions as long as you can.

Products to Improve Performance

Perfect push up tools help you improve form, and thus strength.


The muscles that pushups target are your anterior deltoids (the muscles found in your shoulders), pectoralis (muscles located in your chest) and triceps (muscles found in the back). These muscles cooperate in order to carry your body using your arms. Your arms should be bent and extended upon performing the exercise.

This exercise helps your triceps to be flexible enough to prevent from any back pains, and it keeps your anterior deltoids more stable and more flexible for daily activities. Strained shoulder averts you from doing anything. Your pectoralis becomes more flexed and healthy. Pushups build up core strength for these muscles so that you can be more confident and at ease with your everyday life.

Sets and Repetitions

A popular variation of the pushup is the diamond pushup wherein you position your hand to form a diamond while you raise and lower your body. This variation targets more on your triceps since your arms are intact towards your chest due to your hands forming a diamond shape.

Another known variation is the front clap where in you push your body upwards and forcefully in order to clap your hands once in front of your body. Then, you go back to your starting position and repeat the movement over again.

There are multiple variations of pushups and it is up to you whether you can do it wholeheartedly.

For beginners, doing a pushup is tiresome and strenuous, especially when you are not used to carrying your own body weight. That is why, executing 10 pushups daily or every two days is sufficed to prevent straining in your arms. Overdoing the pushups leads to quick exhaustion and straining of muscles. If your body gets used to the movement, then you can increase the repetition from 10 to 100 pushups.

For those who prefer challenge, a pushups of 200 repetitions every 3 days can do the thing. Avoid doing the 300-pushup routine daily because it can lead to exhausted and strained muscles.

Celebrity Use

Having been the cover of Playboy magazine for six times, Jenny McCarthy maintains strict discipline in keeping her lifestyle healthy. In order to be healthy, she religiously follows her gluten and dairy-free diet, and perpetually works out to have her body physically fit. She performs pushups because she wants her whole body to cooperate and to be more responsive by making the muscles more active.

Functional Use

Improvements are noticeable when your muscles are strengthened, flexible and toned that leads to better mobility and to satisfactory sports performance. Your back, especially your spine, is aligned properly, leaving you with better posture. You would also detect that your metabolism rate becomes higher that is advantageous in weight loss and fat reduction. Furthermore, your bones become stronger and denser because pushups challenge the bones by lifting up your body using your arms and toes. The bones mostly carry out the weight of your body, keeping them healthy and strong. You would be able to do physical activities easier such as running, walking, jogging and even jumping because you have stronger core and bones.

Top Performance Metrics

Enthusiasts have endured to reach a pushup world record no matter how hard it seems to be to other people. One record has set to doing a 290 repetitions of pushups for over a minute, while another record has reached to 441 repetitions of pushups in five minutes.

Related Movements

Executing a variety of related exercises aside from the core movement, such as the pushups, delivers the desired results faster, leaving your body in better physique and making you more confident. Sit ups, lunges and planks are the exercises that can be integrated with pushups, as they all demand full cooperation from your whole body.

Related Foods

When you are going to do pushups, be sure that you consume carbohydrate-rich food so that you wouldn’t feel exhausted in the middle of your workout. A large pear with some drizzled honey, whole wheat toast with banana and peanut butter, and Greek yoghurt with nuts are among the food you can intake before doing your pushups. After your pushups, go for grilled chicken and veggies, avocadoes, cheese and chocolate milk. You need to repair your muscles after a series of repetitions with the pushups.

Pull Up




The pull-up is a back exercise that equips your back muscles to exert more through your own body weight. Your grip is of the utmost importance because you are going to pull yourself up with the use of a bar. Your palms must be in a forward position in order to prevent any hand and wrist injury, and to be able to lift yourself.

In order to perform the pull-up exercise, you are required to find a bar, strong and sturdy enough to support your weight. Then, grasp the bar firmly with your whole palms at shoulder width. Your arms must be straightened, allowing your body to hang in the air. That is only your starting position; the real deal is when you pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar or your chest almost reaches the bar, as well. As you are pulling, concentrate on maintaining your body straight at all times without swinging or arching your back. It is important for your back to stay aligned since it is specifically an exercise for the back. Moreover, while doing the pull-up, you can cross your feet, straighten your legs or bend your knees as long as your feet don’t touch the floor, and your back is still straight.

There are common terminologies that are coined with a pull-up—chin-up, which describes having your chin carried on top of the bar, and palms-away, which refers to having a full overhand grip. This exercise helps your body to gain some momentum and balance, and to stay physically fit.


The muscles that the pull-up exercise targets are your latissimus dorsi (the muscles in your back), your brachialis and brachioradialis (the muscles along your elbow that helps move your forearm), your biceps, your triceps, and your shoulder blades. Your abdominal muscles are also targeted in this workout.

The pull-up exercises affect your muscles by flexing and stretching them, most especially your forearms. It also furnishes your shoulder blades to be flexible for better mobility and for being less prone to muscle strain. Your abdominal muscles become more stabilized, resulting your torso to be toned and tough. Your obliques also get tighter as you pull yourself up. When you bend your knees, you also stretch the muscles in your whole legs, making you move better and faster. Your back also becomes straightened, and your spine is aligned, lowering the chances of back pain.

Sets and Repetitions

There are a variety of alternatives to the pull-up exercise. One is the muscle-ups in which you are required to carry your whole torso over the bar while you straighten your arms. Maintain your legs forward while gradually coming down from the bar. This variation is intended for those who already master the rhythm of the pull-up exercise, and who seek difficulty and challenge.

Another alternative is the clapping pull-up, wherein you need to throw yourself upwards in order to have an extra time in clapping your hands and in catching the bar safe and sound. This variation is quite arduous as it involves some precaution. If you are not able to catch the bar as you go up, you may fall down or smack your chin over the bar, leaving you injured.

If you are a beginner, complete 10 repetitions of the pull-up exercise in one set. If you are an advanced trainee, performing 20 repetitions of this workout is sufficient already. Avoid exerting more repetitions that what is suggested because overdoing yourself may bring you muscle strain and even unexpected injury.

Top Performance Metrics

An outstanding performance from a Singaporean athlete, Yeo Kim Yeong, has been able to perform 43 pull-ups in only a minute. Another record has also been achieved by Mark Jordan, who executes 4,321 pull-ups in just 24 hours.

Related Movements

The movements that can be integrated with the pull-up are the following:

  • Burpees

  • Mountain climber

  • Push-up

  • Squat

  • Sit-up

  • Running

Related Foods

Here is a list of foods that you can choose from before you execute your workout:

  • Fruit smoothie

  • Whole wheat cereals with strawberries or blueberries

  • Rice cakes with peanut butter

  • Banana with almond butter

Your body requires to be refueled after a series of physical demands from the workout. Here is a list of foods that you can add to your menu in order to recharge your body:

  • Whole grain pita or bread with hummus and veggies

  • Low-fat chocolate milk

  • Boiled eggs

  • Fresh fruit juices or smoothies

Muscle Up



The muscle-up exercise is a combination of a pull-up and a dip, wherein the pull-up is when you pull yourself up on the bar with a strong, firm grip, and the dip is when you also pull your body upwards with your shoulders intact to your sides.

You usually utilize a bar or a rind to accommodate the muscle-up workout, and you can make your own combination of repetitions between a pull-up and a dip, depending on how much your body can transition to the other movement.

In order to perform the muscle-up workout, you need to hang your body from a bar with a tight grip, having your entire palms on the bar. Afterwards, you start pulling yourself upwards, reaching your chin over the bar, and roll your chest on the bar, resulting to a transition from the pull-up to a dip workout. Push your hands down while keeping your body upwards, just like doing a normal dip.

Make sure you are capable of carrying your own body weight, otherwise, you couldn’t be able to perform this exercise. The muscle-up requires you to hold on to your weight up in the air for a short period of time. If you haven’t trained yourself to either of the two workouts, then delay this exercise first and train yourself with some pull-ups and dips.


The muscle-up primarily aims the muscles in your chest, shoulders and back, and it also targets your triceps, biceps and abdominal. Since this is a joint movement of a pull-up and a dip, your whole bodily muscles are working together to keep up with the physical demands.

Your muscles are going to be more flexible and more toned, leaving you with well-defined shape especially in your abdomen. This exercise helps your shoulder blades to be stronger and to be more protected from any shoulder strain. Your upper and lower muscles are also developed and stabilized, making you more efficient with your daily routines.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, you can complete two repetitions of the muscle-up exercise for every 30 seconds until you reach 10 sets. For a more advanced performance, the same procedure applies except that you should complete at least 20 to 30 sets. Avoid straining yourself for more sets because it may rip off your muscles in your arms for overdoing the exercise.

Top Performance Metrics

Various enthusiasts in physical training have been toiling to beat the top record for the most muscle-ups in a row. So far, Corey Hall has attained 27 muscle-ups in a row.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that you can execute together with the muscle-up for faster results:

  • Pull-up

  • Push-up

  • Lunge

  • Clean

Functional Use

Improvements are manifested in your legs, arms, shoulders and abdomen. Your legs become more toned and in shape for better mobility. Your abdomen turns to be more flexible, which can result to six-pack muscles. Your shoulder blades become healthy and also flexible. Your whole body is stretched, which denotes being less vulnerable to muscle strain.

Products to Improve Performance

This pull-up bar can be utilized in executing the muscle-up. It can be attached on top so that you can be able to hang your body upwards. This bar is tailored with heavy duty steel for sturdiness.

Related Foods

For your pre-workout snacks, try some of the following food that can provide the energy you need:

  • Oatmeal with berries
  • Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana
  • Greek yoghurt and nuts
  • Boiled yams

For your post-workout snacks, you can add the following food in your options:

  • Chicken breast with broccoli
  • Veggie omelet with white fish
  • Protein shake with fruits
  • Sweet potato with Greek yoghurt