Wall Sits


Celebrity Use

To maintain her physique as a model and to get back in shape after her first pregnancy, Chrissy Teigen has been quite serious with her workout routine, which includes wall sit. Her trainers say that with the wall sit, the muscles are tensed and worn out even without moving. That is why the wall sit is effectively in burning up fats in your quadriceps.

Functional Use

You would recognize improvement with your legs, knees and lower abdomen area. Your legs and knees become more flexible and stronger, which are healthier and beneficial for a steady mobility. On the other hand, your lower abdomen becomes tighter and more flexed.


The wall sit or wall squat exercise primarily targets your lower body for building up endurance and core strength, and aims to strengthen and tone your upper legs. It is efficient in burning out fats in your quadriceps and the only prop you need is a wall. This exercise is famous among people who want to do skiing and other strenuous activities that require strong legs.

You can also burn out excess fats and calories depending on your weight while doing the wall sit. It requires determination because you would be carrying your weight with your legs, which means that your legs would be doing all the work. The more weight your body holds, the more calories and fats your body is able to reduce.

This exercise is achieved by having your back against the wall and standing 2 feet away from it, then slide down the wall until you reach at an angle of 90 degrees. Your hips and knees would bend at this point, and the back of your head, shoulders and upper back are all against the wall. Be mindful that your feet must be flat on the ground and the weight is equally distributed. Remain in that angle for an amount of time.

Related Products

Neoprene Dumbbell Pairs

The pairs of dumbbells are handy in adding some challenge in your wall sit. You can add more weight by carrying the dumbbells while you are doing your wall sit. Your legs would then feel the added weight.

CAP Barbell 300-Pound Olympic Set (Includes 7 Ft Bar)

The weights start off with the 2.5 pounds up to 45 pounds, and these are great in adding difficulty in your wall sit. Just put the barbells on your lap while you are in your 90-degree angle position.


The muscles that the wall sit focus are your quadriceps (muscles on the front of the thighs), glutes (muscles located in the buttocks), hamstrings (muscles on the back of the thighs), abdominal and back muscles.

These muscles are going to be stabilized because they are all participating in the 90-degree angle position. The quadriceps are building up endurance and flexibility by doing the wall sits repeatedly, thus resulting to straightening of your knees, and are also responsible for moving your thighs and torso together. The hamstrings are also strengthened for better mobility such as running and walking.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, the wall sit exercise is performed by completing 1 set of 10 repetitions. If a 90-degree angle is too much or your legs are already strained, start off to a 45-degree angle, then gradually increase to 90 degrees. For people who are not used to squats such as this exercise, the legs get strained easily. For a more challenging wall sit, complete at least 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Keep in mind that the back must be straight and flat against the wall upon doing the repetition.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates the wall sit:


Top Performance Metrics

Fitness enthusiasts have gone to the extreme of making names for themselves in terms of physical workout such as William Connor, who have achieved 12 minutes of sit ups while carrying a 100-pound barbell on his lap.

Related Movements

Some movements are integrated with the wall sit in order to acquire the physical benefits for the body. These exercises include handstand, hyperextension or back extension and planks.

Related Foods

How about you consume ten pieces of multi-grain crackers with hummus or a banana with peanut butter or oatmeal with berries before you continue with your workout? You need the right amount of energy while performing the wall sit. On the other hand, after your workout, burrito with beans with brown rice and guacamole, steamed vegetables and grilled chicken are among the best to consume because you need protein to heal your muscles.


Here are some related photos for the wall sit exercise:




YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that lectures the right way to do the wall sit:
