Tire Flip


The tire flip is one of the most sought-after exercises by bodybuilders because it effectively builds up muscular mass and endurance as you work with the tire, and it actually requires you to exert more effort and more power in flipping the tire.

To perform the tire flip, you are required to place your feet a bit wider than the width of your hips and position yourself 12 inches away from the tire. Squat lower until you reach the bottom of the tire, and press your shoulders and chest against the sidewall of the tire. Bend your elbows as if ready to lift the tires, and keep on maintaining your shoulders and chest pressed onto the tire. Move one foot forward, and kick the tire with your knee to finish off an entire flip. You basically lift the tire by giving an explosive blow from your knee towards the tire.

The tire flip is usually part of the training for those who are advanced bodybuilders, wrestlers and athletes, preferring to explode a powerful force from their knees to the tires. This exercise is often mistaken as a deadlift using only tires, but what you are more likely to do is squatting and kicking. The tires are incredibly heavy that are suitable to train your muscular endurance, and to tone your body.

Moreover, you should observe proper precaution with executing the tire flip—avoid lifting the tire with your arms because it can cause injury. The tire is not meant to be elevated through the use of the arms, but for your knees.


The muscles in your abdomen, legs, back and shoulders are the common targets for the tire flip. Your bices and triceps are also affected.

When you squat down and reach for the bottom of the tires, you are stretching your shoulder muscles, back muscles, biceps and triceps. And as you kick the tire with your knee, you are toning your abdomen and legs, making them stronger.

Sets and Repetitions

If you are a beginner to the tire flip exercise, you can complete two to three repetitions or until you finish the whole ten minutes. If you are an advanced bodybuilder, five to six repetitions can be sufficed or until you finish 15 minutes. Avoid overdoing this exercise because it can cause strain in your legs and arms.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video on how to do the tire flip.


Top Performance Metrics

Jean-Francois Caron has succeeded in flipping a tire that weighs 1,350lbs for four times, which sets a new world record for tire flipping.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that can be associated with the tire flip:

  • Squat

  • Deadlift

Related Foods

Here is a list of foods that you can choose from so that your body is supplied with ample energy for your workout:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese and crackers

  • Oranges, berries and banana

  • Boiled eggs

  • Whole grain cereal and almonds

Below is a list of foods that you can eat after your workout so that your body can recuperate from the physical demand of tire flip:

  • Brown rice with salmon

  • Chicken breast with broccoli

  • White fish with tofu or green leaves

  • Protein shake with fresh fruits or Greek yoghurt


Here are some related photos for the tire flip.




YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that lectures on how to execute the tire flip properly.


Celebrity Use

Performing the tire flip may look difficult but if your body is trained in lifting weights, then the tire flip is a piece of cake. Some celebrities have enjoyed the tire flip, especially when they do the tire flipping race. Physical training enthusiasts, Zac Efron and The Rock had their tire flipping race as their enjoyment, and The Rock had nailed it.

Functional Use

Improvements are manifested when you are gaining muscular mass in your arms, when your abdomen is starting to have more defined shape, and when your shoulders are beginning to be more flexible. The changes in your body mean that the tire flip exercise is effective and you are executing it correctly. You also become stronger and you are obtaining more endurance in your muscles, which is important for a better performance in your everyday routine.