Sumo Deadlift High Pull


The sumo deadlift high pull is considered to be an explosive exercise that requires much power for proper execution, most especially in the posterior chain area. This workout begins with a deadlift but with a different twist—the grip is narrow and the posture is wide. The weight is sped up by utilizing the hips and legs to draw it upward straight under your chin. It necessitates a barbell as your major equipment, but others use a kettlebell or a medicine ball as alternatives.

This exercise helps in the build-up of muscular strength, and assists to ameliorate your capacity in the pull exercise. The steps in performing the sumo deadlift high pull is almost similar to the deadlift except for some exception such as making use of a sumo stance and an unusually restricted grip. The sumo stance refers to having the feet wide apart—really wide as long as the knees do not cave inwards. On the other hand, the grip towards the barbell is not the same as the deadlift. Your hands should be at the middle of the bar so that you would have the flexibility to pull the barbell directly under your chin. Everything else seems like the deadlift.

Moreover, after knowing the nature of the sumo deadlift high pull, the steps are quite easy when you are familiar with the deadlift. Start off with a wide sumo stance and reach for the barbell with your hands at the middle. Arch your back and keep it straightened all throughout the repetition. Lift the barbell as in a deadlift and shrug with your arms, which creates a momentum on the barbell. Lift it until it is already under your chin. The whole procedures cover to one repetition, and the number of repetition that you should complete depends on what your body can handle.

Remember that your knees should be stable during the repetition because it is important in assisting you to elevate the barbell. When you lift the weight, your back should be arched and should be kept tight to prevent any back injury. Take note that you should inhale deeply before lifting the bar and your muscles should be well contracted.


The sumo deadlift high pull primarily targets your abdominal muscles, hamstrings, gluteal muscles and shoulder blades. Muscles in your hips and back are also affected.

This powerful workout builds up muscular mass, strength and endurance to your affected muscles. It also tightens and gives shape to your abdomen, and it keeps your glutes firm and tighter. Your hips are stretched, which means it prevents anymore pain felt when bending your body. The muscles in the back are getting straighter, which means that your spine is becoming neutral and aligned.

Sets and Repetitions

It is recommended for beginners to complete six to eight repetitions in one set, while for the advanced, eight to 12 repetitions in one set can do the thing. Keep in mind that avoid overdoing yourself with the sumo deadlift high pull because it can be quite harmful as it can cause body strain and injuries. This workout requires great power upon execution, which means that if your body is tired, it can no longer perform the demands of this workout.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that demonstrates how the sumo deadlift high pull works.

Related Amazon Product Links

This product has an initial weight of 40 lbs and it can hold up to the maximum 390 lbs. The package includes a streel stand, which is tailored to be sturdy for longevity.

This product is tailored with adjustable weights, and you can alter how heavy you wish upon executing the movement.

This product is filled with sand, which is more effective in core buildup than the ball being filled with air.

Related Movements

Here are some exercises that you can perform together with the sumo deadlift high pull:

  • Wall ball
  • Clean
  • Box jump
  • Burpee

Related Foods

Here is a list of foods that can provide you with sufficient energy for your body to perform the exercise:

  • Whole wheat bread with peanut butter and banana

  • Whole wheat cereal or granola

  • Fresh fruits such as oranges and apples

  • Dried fruits such as raisins and cranberries

Below is a list of food that you can consume after your workout so that your body can refuel itself from the tedious workout:

  • Protein shake with fresh fruits

  • Protein bar with chocolate milk

  • Brown rice with chicken

  • Veggie omelet with avocado


Here are some photos that exhibit the sumo deadlift high pull.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates how a sumo deadlift high pull is performed.

Celebrity Use

Brooke Griffin is an entrepreneur and the author of “Skinny Suppers”, who indulges herself with a series of workouts to burn out unwanted fats after having her first baby. She includes the sumo deadlift high pull with the use of a kettlebell as part of her workout.

Functional Use

You would notice improvements when you are having a better body posture, especially that your back is getting straightened and stabilized, and when your muscles are gaining mass and are becoming more toned. Having a toned body means that you are losing body fat and excess weight. You would be able to acquire a healthy, physically fit body after numerous executions of the sumo deadlift high pull.