Rope Climb


The rope climb workout is a full body exercise that aims to increase the body strength, most especially the upper body. Your agility and your coordination skills are going to be improved through building a sense of iron grip and leg movements. This exercise requires most of your major muscles to move altogether, which means that your body still has good coordination. The equipment that you need is the climbing rope—a manila rope with 1.5” to 2” thickness. Rope climbing is considered to be an ancient exercise as rope is widespread in the market, and it is usually one of the basic exercises done in military training.

In order to perform the rope climb exercise, you should grip the rope as firm as you can. Your one hand should be above the other. The trailing rope must pass between your legs. Start pulling yourself upward by bending your elbows, and reach the higher part of the rope with the lower hand. Continue the process until you are on top of the rope. As for your legs, pass the rope behind one leg and over your toes, while the other foot stands on top of the rope. This process helps support your bodyweight as you reach your way to the top.

To challenge yourself with this exercise, climb the rope as fast as you can because it can be a good training for yourself in case of emergency. There is actually no alternative for rope climbing, which means you are required to do the activity for you to improve your whole body function and coordination.


Rope climbing targets primarily your biceps and secondarily your muscles in the forearms, shoulders, abdomen and back.

This exercise highly builds up the strength and power of those affected muscles as you use your arms and legs to push yourself upward, most especially your biceps. Your grip is also developed and strengthened, which is essential for your coordination skill. The muscles in your shoulders are stretched and exercised, making them relaxed and invulnerable to further muscle strain.

Sets and Repetitions

For beginners, you can complete five repetitions in three sets for three to five times a week. You can create your own regular routine once your body gets used to the rope climbing. For the advanced, performing 10 repetitions in three to five sets is sufficed. Remember that you should observe proper precaution when doing this exercise, especially when you grip. You may fall or lose your balance while climbing, so for starters, you can put soft cushion on the ground just in case you fall.

Instagram Video

Here is an Instagram video that illustrates rope climbing.

Related Amazon Product Links

The manila rope has the quality to be sturdy for rope climbing, and this product offers various lengths based on your workout requirement.

Top Performance Metrics

In 2015, Alicia Weber was able to attain the title of the fastest arms-only rope climbing for 20 feet in just 10.16 seconds

Related Movements

Here are some movements that you can perform together with the rope climbing:

  • Pull-up

  • Box jump

  • Clean

  • Burpee

Related Foods

Here is a list of food that provides energy for your body to perform the physical demands of the exercises:

  • Spinach and other green, leafy veggies

  • Oatmeal and banana

  • Yoghurt with almonds

  • Sweet potatoes and honey

  • Oranges and apples

You also need to eat again after your workout because your body is all beaten up from the exercises. Here is some food that you can choose from:

  • Tuna or salmon with brown rice

  • Cottage cheese with rolled oats

  • Chicken with beans

  • Boiled eggs with whole wheat bread


Here are photos that exhibit rope climbing.

YouTube Video

Here is a YouTube video that exhibits a lecture on how to do proper rope climbing.

Celebrity Use

Who would have known that former Dancing with the Stars performer, Karina Smirnoff, has been executing rope climbing as part of her physical routine? Staying healthy and eating the right foods are part of her lifestyle, aside from her dancing.

Functional Use

Changes are manifested when you see that your grip becomes firmer, tighter and stronger due to your persistent workout in rope climbing. You become more stabilized, and you gain more control of your body. Your coordination skills are also improved since the rope is not stable as you move upward. It forces your body to stabilize and to control itself in an unstable circumstance. Your instinct of basic survival is also tested and you become aware that climbing is one way to get out in times of emergency.